Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hello from Nashville

For nearly my entire life of computer literacy, I have thought that blogs were silly and should really only exist for two reasons. 1) To look at pictures of food and find new or share old recipes and 2) To show pictures of your kids and brag about how they are obviously the cutest, funniest, smartest kids - or very possibly people - in the world. That really takes me out of the blogging pool because, although I love nothing more than cooking, all I have this summer is a tiny kitchen with a pot, a pan, and a wooden spoon. Oh, I also do not have any children (although mine will undoubtedly be the cutest and smartest!).

But alas, this summer I am living thousands of miles away from school, homework, home, and friends in what seems like a new country. So not only do I have more free time than usual, but I feel like I am also living through some quirky southern culture that is pretty fun to think and talk about. So here we are. Reason number 3 for blogging, to make a cute background for telling stories about the south to my mom and sisters. Yeah, Mardi and Erica you better read this.

I am an Oregonian through and through and when I am not there I talk about how much I love it every day. Unfortunately, I live in California most of the year going to school (although I love the people there), but I will be back in Oregon for good someday. I am studying Biochemistry in school, I love to cook, hike, play sports, and talk about how much I love my niece (the current cutest child on earth).

I know, she is cute.

So there you go, I am Kristin, and I live in Nashville. I hope I have some twang by the time I leave.

PS- Mom, thanks for all the help editing my papers in high school and college, but I am out of GER's now and a chem major, so no edits are required on this blog! Well, they are needed I am sure, but unwelcome.

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